
Goddess - Cobi






Future you hold all my sorrows 『未来』你承载着我的悲伤

The past She was good to me 『过往』她温和地抚慰着我

She said "All my time here is borrowed" 她说“我所有的时间都是借来的”

She's counting the days 她默默的计算起所剩的时日

I bit off more than I can swallow 我硬生吞下那些我所不能承受

She plays with my fantasies 她在我的幻想中沉浮

She makin' me think I'm Apollo 她令我觉得自己如同太阳神一般光辉闪耀

She takes me away 她早就取走了我的身心

I don't know what she knows 我不知她究竟明了什么

But I know in my heart the past is gone 我只得心中『过往』已随风而散

Caught in her afterglow 我竭力抓紧她散下的余晖

Been dreaming too much I'm coming down 我已梦想太久 现在是我下定决心之时

Her secrets she withholds 纵使她隐瞒了她的秘密

Now I'm at her mercy I'm her pawn 但如今我在她的恩典下 成为她的奴仆

She won't let me go 她不会再放开我了

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我沉凝在女神的光辉之下

You make me believe, you make me believe 你令我满怀信念,你使我充满信仰

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我沉凝在女神的光辉之下

You make me believe, you make me believe 你令我满怀信念,你使我充满信仰

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我宁睡在女神的怀抱之中

Take me to heaven above 带我飞往天堂之上吧

There's not enough love in the world 世间的爱残缺不堪

Take me to heaven above 带我飞往天堂之上吧

There's not enough love in the world 世间的爱所剩无几

Testing my will with temptation 为了测试我是否禁得住诱惑

She lays down in front of me 她躺在我的面前 风姿绰约

I'm only rewarded for patience 我仅能依靠自己的忍耐力才能得胜

When I play her game 在这场她设置的游戏中

She picks up on all my vibrations 她注视着我 捕捉到我每一次的颤抖

And plays with my chemistry 她这是在玩弄着我们间的火花

She tricks me with all of these visions 结果这一切只不过是她幻化出的局

Then takes them away 最后一把将他们又全部夺走

She knows how to control 她深谙着统领之道

The thunder and rain or dusk to dawn 从雷鸣到下雨 至黄昏到黎明

She's spinning a tornado 她转动起龙卷之风

She screamed like a banshee all night long 她如报丧女妖一般整夜哭喊以警诫世人

And that's how the story goes 事情就是这样

I'll burn in the flames of glory 'cause 我会燃尽在荣耀之火中 因为

She won't let me go 她不会再放开我了

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我沉凝在女神的光辉之下

You make me believe, you make me believe 你令我满怀信念,你使我充满信仰

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我沉凝在女神的光辉之下

You make me believe, you make me believe 你令我满怀信念,你使我充满信仰

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我宁睡在女神的怀抱之中

Take me to heaven above 带我飞往天堂之上吧

There's not enough love in the world 世间的爱残缺不堪

Take me to heaven above 带我飞往天堂之上吧

There's not enough love in the world 世间的爱所剩无几

She knows how to control 她深谙着统领之道

The thunder and rain or dusk to dawn 从雷鸣到下雨 至黄昏到黎明

She's spinning a tornado 她转动起龙卷之风

She screamed like a banshee all night long 她如报丧女妖一般整夜哭喊以警诫世人

And that's how the story goes 事情就是这样

I'll burn in the flames of glory 'cause 我会燃尽在荣耀之火中 因为

She won't let me go 她不会再放开我了

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我沉凝在女神的光辉之下

You make me believe, you make me believe 你令我满怀信念,你使我充满信仰

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我沉凝在女神的光辉之下

You make me believe, you make me believe 你令我满怀信念,你使我充满信仰

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我宁睡在女神的怀抱之中

Take me to heaven above 带我飞往天堂之上吧

There's not enough love in the world 世间的爱残缺不堪

Take me to heaven above 带我飞往天堂之上吧

There's not enough love in the world 世间的爱所剩无几

You make me believe, you make me believe 你令我满怀信念,你使我充满信仰

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我沉凝在女神的光辉之下

You make me believe, you make me believe 你令我满怀信念,你使我充满信仰

I'm in the arms of a Goddess tonight 今夜 我宁睡在女神的怀抱之中


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